Increased interest in Cuba-internships; what students and professionals tell us

Bron: Ceese Bulletin nr. 20 - 11 december 2023

This year more and more medical students and professionals were interested in an internship or elective in Cuba. In a group or individual, and for various reasons. A selection:Leiden University Netherlands: an interprofessional group (nurses, residents elderly care doctors and GP’s) was guest of ENSAP Havana for 4 weeks. Collaboration and prevention were the buzz words: Resident Lidia: “a lot of attention is payed to prevention as well as to fellow human beings and generally, people are very positive. We were able to share experience and look at healthcare from different professional and cultural perspectives”

  • Brighton Medical Scool, UK: medical electives were organized by CRICKET CIC: Student: “We really enjoyed the obstetric part and we felt that that was the most different from the UK. We appreciated how flexible the doctors were so we got to see a good variety of things”  website
  • Amsterdam University, Netherlands: a group of GP trainers recently visited Havana. A GP-trainer:” although visibly with low resources, Cuban government and medical colleagues succeed in maintaining a well integrated health system as we experienced in visits to families and district facilities of natural-medicine and psychiatry among others. Respect!”
  • Dublin, Ireland: GP Brian is preparing an elective Public Health: “I’d love to get some experience in the Cuban health system before I do my MA Public Health in 2024”
  • Groningen and Utrecht Netherlands: individual medical university students went to Havana for a Primary Care elective. Student Coen: “adninistrative hassle is time-consuming but after that in Cuba is a lot to learn: there is much prevention within the medical curriculum, a very informative experience for me. I also was positively struck by Cuban small scale healthcare which delivers equally good results as in Holland. Recommended for fellow students.”
  • Luxembourg: Neuropediatrist Marie Pauline is planning an elective in a childerns Hospital in Havana to later use her acquired experience in Africa.

Do you want to make a group programme for nurses, medical students, residents, professionals or combinations ? We can support you with our experience and network (contact )

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Genocide threatens Cuba because of US blockade.

Bron: Ceese Bulletin nr. 20 - 11 december 2023

That was the final conclusion of the Lawyers Tribunal which met in the European Parliament building last 16-17 November in Brussels.
The Tribunal was organized by International Association of Democratic lawyers (IADL) a.o. The panel of judges witnessed a long line of testimonies of serious violation of human rights and international law that led, among other things, to the death of childern, hunger among the Cuban population and economic damage to Cuban (15 million $ /day) and European companies and banks For an explanation of economic situation in Cuba see the presentation of Dr. Emily Morris , economist of London University College

Solidarity and humanitairian support
Meanwhile, many big and little organisations provide solidarity and humanitairian support: the UN General Assembly almost unanymous denounces the blockage every year In a research-report, Oxfam showed the negative humanitarian effects on Cuban women and their childeren caused by the US-blockade. Many other persons and organisations as MediCubaEuropa (Switzerland), Maurizio Bonati from Instituto Mario Negri (Milan Italy), MEDICC (USA), Nurses Organisation Buurtzorg and CubaAdelante collect or finance medical equipment for Cuba (see f.i. ). Other big organisations as the European Confederation of Trade Unions condemn limitations for commercial exchange or access to international financing.

Recommended: the famous American filmdirector Oliver Stone and Cuban journalist Liz Oliva Fernandez made a few short “grassroots” films interviewing Cuban people which give a clear insight in origin and consequences of the blockage:

Science cooperation with Cuba in practice

Bron: Ceese Bulletin nr. 20 - 11 december 2023

Dr. Julio Cesar Aguilar and his team from CIGB (Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Havana) are preparing a phase IV trial in the province Pinar del Río with a naso vaccin (“Hebernasvac”) against chronic Hepatitis B (CHB). With many others,our CEESE-team is supporting by seeking funds and materials (f.i. a fibroscan) Untill now, Chronic Hepatitis-B patients were dependent on the very expensive Interferon that only stops-not cures – the disease.

The Cuban nosespray vaccine does the same but at much lower costs, works in people who do not react on usual vaccination (non-responders) and and even has curative perspectives.

Since some months we welcome Dr. Emily Morris from London University College and director of CRICKET CIC in our CEESE network. Her organisation is cooperating with Cuban colleagues on projects of energy transition: high-speed charging batteries and photo voltaic, and agroecology The medical branch, led by Nancy Howard PhD. organizes electives for British students to Cuba

In 2017 director Jos de Blok of Dutch homecare organization Buurtzorg started “The Cuba Project”; a collective neighbourhood-prevention pilot inspired by Cuban healthcare, based on population-health initiatives and led by nurses. Mirjam de Leede, nurse and one of the project leaders: “ the pilot is proceeding well so was expanded to 30 Dutch cities and is now scientifically evaluated by Leyden Academy for Vitality and Ageing.
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Hands off G77


We hebben respect hebben voor sociale ontwikkelingen in diverse delen van de wereld en staan op voor het internationaal recht en het soevereine recht van onafhankelijke staten om hun eigen nationale beleid te bepalen. We hebben er alle vertrouwen in dat zo’n beleid, mits gemandateerd door een grote meerderheid, sociaal en rechtvaardig is.

Niet iedereen is daar tevreden mee: Door chantages en bedreigingen hebben de neoliberale leiders van de VS hun bondgenoten meegenomen in een doelbewuste poging het sociale beleid van de onafhankelijke staten te dwarsbomen, met alle mogelijke middelen.

De oorlogstaal van onze regeringsleiders en woordvoerders is o.i. gebaseerd op valse informatie van overheidsdiensten, belanghebbende bedrijven, afhankelijke ngo’s en de gevestigde Media (1).

Spreken van een humanitaire noodsituatie en niet realiseren dat de agressieve economische oorlogsvoering van de VS en bondgenootstaten – w.o. Nederland – daar grotendeels verantwoordelijk voor is, vinden wij een zeer kwalijke zaak.

We zien het als een humanitaire plicht om de bevolking van Nederland beter te informeren, en de illegaliteit van de economisch-financieel-militaire oorlogsvoering door de VS en bondgenoten te benoemen.

De sabotage, de dreiging met militaire interventies en de wurgende, destabiliserende sancties zijn in strijd met internationale wetgeving en ernstige schendingen van het VN Handvest (2). Aangezien deze daden van agressie de directe oorzaak zijn van de verslechterende situatie en vele duizenden sterfgevallen onder de burgers, zijn het terreurdaden, oorlogsmisdaden en mogelijk daden van genocide.

Waar mogelijk zullen we solidariteit ontwikkelen voor ondersteuning van het zelfbeschikkingsrecht van volkeren.

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