Civil society-organizations achieve breakthrough in European Parliament
Under friendy but firm pressure from Latin American and European civil society-organizations, the Socialdemocrat- Green-, and Left parties in the European Parliament urge Europe to stop cooperating with the US-blockade of Cuba. The politicians took this position on the CELAC-EU-Summit last July. Before the Summit, European citizens from 23 countries signed an urgent letter to EU-chair von der Leyen. Also they organized together with their Latin American sister-organizations a successful series of parallel-sessions called “ Cumbre de los Pueblos” (see photo). Together with US and Spanish Lawyers organizations as well as the US National Conference of Black Lawyers and Trade Union Organizations in Europe, they increase pressure by preparing an International Tribunal against the Blockade on November 16 and 17, 2023 in Brussels, Belgium. The tribunal lawyers collected overwhelming practical evidence and aims to denounce this illegal and inhumane policy. Thus strengthening the anti-blockade movement in Europe and the U.S. this will probably have positive repercussions in the European Parliament by the end of this year.
Dutch family shipped 5th container with medical and educational equipment to Cuba
Nine years ago, the Dutch family Mieke en Gerard Rutjens started to collect medical and educational equipment for Cuban families,schools,retirement homes,orphanages and hospitals: on a human-to-human base. Solidarity in Holland was growing and recently their humanitarian foundation “Cuba Adelante” sent their 5th container to Cuba. Time to organize a music party: the entrance fees are spent to fill the next container.
Isora Enriquez and Beatrijs de Leede both teachers an educationalists, respectively working at the Universities of Pedagogical Sciences in Cuba and Leiden and Amsterdam, recently met in Rotterdam to exchange experiences and discuss if cooperation in this new area between the two countries could be viable. A possible new field of activity in the 10 years of existing cooperation between the two countries
Special CRICKET CIC team guides UK students in application process.
Good news from the UK: CRICKET CIC recently restarted Cuba Medical Electives (CME). CME-initiator Dr. Judith Harvey created the initiative in 2021 to promote links between the UK and Cuban medical communities. CME is led by a small team which accompanies students throughout the entire application process and are a point of contact once students arrive in Havana. Five students recently finished their rotations across Paediatrics, OBGYN, Intensive Care, Emergency Medicine, and General Family Medicine in the Universidad de Ciencias Medicas de La Habana.
Initiator Natalie Howard: “Despite many challenges facing the island – all students agreed – Cuba was the right choice! Educationally rewarding, transformational and inspiring Cuba’s example of human-centered healthcare continues to benefit people from around the world.
Students comments underline this: “The best bits were probably the one-on-one discussions I had with doctors and medical students. There was so much to learn about healthcare in Cuba and the overall situation from them. I met up with a lot of inspiring people. M.B University of Sheffield.-We definitely learned so much from our experience there and we are so glad that we picked Cuba for our elective! J.L – Brighton and Sussex Medical School- We really enjoyed the obstetric part and we felt that that was the most different from the UK…We appreciated how flexible the doctors were…so we got to see a good variety of things. A.P – Brighton and Sussex Medical School “
The bulletin of the Cuban-Europe Educational and Scientific Exchange (CEESE)-Group, 09.03.23
We hope you and your families and colleagues are still in good health!
In this 18th edition we send you the best wishes of Mrs. Dr. Isti Ilmiati Fujiati Chair of the IAFP (Indonesian Association of Family Physicians). Dr. Isti and her organization are very interested in Cuban (and European) experience to apply in Indonesia. Dr. Mark Koster and Paul Jonas recently gave a Webinar to 50 Indonesian colleagues and a study trip to Cuban Healthcare is in preparation.
In addition you may read 5 short news-flashes:
Amsterdam University develops bachelorstudents group-elective in Havana
Leiden University and CIGB-Havana design nasal broad spectrum antiviral immunotherapy.
BIOMAT-Havana University and Rottterdam University explore cooperation on bone tissue engineering .
New exchange possibilities in Universidad de Ciencias Médicas in Santiago de Cuba
Best wishes to you, your colleagues and families !
Paul Jonas MD.MSc.
Amsterdam University develops bachelorstudents group-elective in Havana
After six successful study-trips of residents/teachers to Havana, a team of Global Health teachers of Amsterdam University is developing now an exchange-program for 2-3th year bachelor studentgroups. Coordinator Guus ten Asbroek: “ It will be effective in next year’s curriculum and I hope it will contribute to a sustainable cooperation between the Medical Universities of Havana and Amsterdam”.
Leiden University and CIGB-Havana design nasal broad spectrum antiviral immunotherapy.
D r. Luis Cruz from Leiden University is working on a novel nasal broad spectrum antiviral immunotherapy. Using “home grown” nanotechnology and experience of Cuban colleagues and aiming on low-prize production, this immunizing nosespray potentially will be a gamechanger in all kinds of virus-infections lethal for childern; especially in developing countries.
BIOMAT- Havana University and Rottterdam University explore cooperation on bone tissue engineering .
Biomaterials are substances which can be used to treat, augment, or replace any tissue, organ, or function of the body. BIOMAT is the Cuban institute that is working on research, production, marketing and teaching about biomaterials. Director Yaymarilis Veranes recently visited Holland to explore cooperation. This seems to be working out positively: the Bone Tissue Engineering Research Group in Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam suggested to work complementary with BIOMAT by testing procedures and materials and also suggest students exchange.
Representative of Dutch Trade Union (care-sector) meets Cuban colleagues
Dutch healthcare sector is under pressure and Trade Union organizes action and strikes. 20 Years after introduction of a neoliberal market system, this turned out to be a decisive factor in financial and staff shortage resulting in low wages and burn-out. Eli Silvrants, member of biggest Dutch Trade Union in the healthcare sector, FNV, will visit Havana to connect and probably bring back to Holland some useful ideas.
New exchange possibilities with Universidad de Ciencias Médicas, Santiago de Cuba
Officials and colleagues of the Universidad de Ciencias Médicas in Santiago de Cuba offer new exchange possibilities: to know more you may contact editor of this bulletin For direct contact:
For student internships contact or Relaciones Intenacionales: Lic. Yordanka Rodriguez (ask for internships in Policlinica Trenta Noviembre). For biomedical scientific workand MSc or PhD programs in Biomedical Engineering, contact Prof.dr. Sergio D. Cano Ortiz: Universidad de Oriente
Finally we have got for you 2 possibly interesting short videos and 4 useful links: